Finds 4
Finds 4
For this assignment, I have gathered magazine articles, advertisments, as well as a comic strip and a poem from my graduation memory book. When brought together, these finds make arguments about the double edged sword of western society and technological advancements. That is, these finds put pressure on the promise of technology and western beliefs by sheding light on what is often lost when such "advancements" are made.
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"the evolution of the western mind..." 
This find is from Adbusters (Nov/Dec 2004). This two page spread (both #1 and #2) sets up my argument that western technological advancements may take away more than they offer. I understand that I am making this argument only through the use of the technology of my computer, the internet, the alphabet, the electricity that powers my machine and my light, and the tv that is playing in the background, and I would be hard pressed to live life as I know it without these advancements. However, when I am critical of these advancements, I am being critical of the ways technology and consumerism are marketed as natural and soulful. It is important to me (and I am not sure why) to acknowledge what I am loosing when I gain the ease of technology.