Finds 1: Educational Nostalgia
Finds 1: Educational Nostalgia
For this first finds assignment, I created a picture of myself as a nostalgic, home town girl, who is very much connected to school and academic work. My finds center around ways in which my memories connect to my academic work. Although there are not many images that make this connection explicit, the juxtaposition of personal images from the past and present show a focus both on history and on academic work.
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My usual pose...
My usual pose... 
There aren't too many shots of me in front of the camera. I love taking pictures, and I do it to keep from getting bored at family functions :). Setting up a shot, making sure the lighting is right, and remembering to breathe....Photography is very zen. This shot is me taking pictures at my Uncle Johnny's Anual Summer Solstice party in 2003.